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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Flander's post

Everyone has seen and read Part 1 of, “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”, by the former american jew, Jack Bernstein (If you haven’t read it, that is a real shame. It is linked below, too, in case you haven’t. It is essential to read in order to have a fuller understanding of the jew/israeli/communism problem).

But did you know that he had written a Part 2? Here is an excerpt, and the link, along with the challenge which Bernstein issued to zionist jews in his tracts and shortly before he was assasinated.

“It must be kept in mind that because of Israel’s policies, the free countries of the world have turned against Israel and against the U.S. for supporting it. This has hurt Israel and especially the U.S.

If Israel as it now exists simply collapsed and ceased to exist, the world would certainly be better because of it. Unfortunately the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle will not allow Israel to die quietly. As the collapse of Israel draws near, one of two courses of action by the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle is likely to be taken:

(1) Israel could trigger a large scale Mideast war, a large war which Israel could not win alone. Then the New York leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle would use its influence on the U.S. Government to send U.S. military forces to aid Israel.

It isn’t expected that the Moscow leg of the triangle will become militarily involved. Moscow will merely sit back and let the U.S. weaken itself in helping Israel fight the Arabs.

At some point during the war, when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens demoralized, the Zionist oriented Jewish International Bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America’s central bank. In this position of power, these Zionist bankers, can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America — like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930′s.”


Bernstein’s Challenge:

“So, before you start your efforts to quiet me, I OFFER THIS CHALLENGE:

You Zionists assemble a number of Zionist Jews and witnesses to support your position; and I will assemble a like number of anti-Zionist, pro-American Jews and witnesses.

Then, the Zionists and the Anti-Zionists will state their position and debate the material in this book as well as related material — the debate TO BE HELD ON PUBLIC TELEVISION.

Let’s explore the information and let the American people decide for themselves if the information is true or false.


Certainly, you will willingly accept the challenge if what I have written is false.

But, if you resort to crying, “Lies, all lies “, and refuse to debate the material you will, in effect, be telling the American people that what I have written are the true facts.”[Part 2][Part 1 - easier reading than other links]

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