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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Destroy the military by giving them drugs, depleted uranium and now GI. JoJo's (click here)

Manning threw a hissy fit. If anyone can honestly say that gays don't pose a threat to the US military and national security...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The reason Hilter is reviled eternally yet Marx, Trotsky, Lenin get a pass - P. Marlowe (Click here)

“I see you white guys are here discussing our Jewish masters. Before I say anything, my Jewish handlers are telling me to tell you to ‘put a foreign country before your own and support Israel.’ Pay no attention to that Jew behind the curtain…”
By Pat Healy
Pay no attention to that Jew behind the curtain — while I, the great EL RUSHBO speak to you peons from ON HIGH…like the voice of GOD himself  disguising indoctrination as news, commentary and entertainment.

Welcome to the EIB Network

My Israeli Boss: This is the Israeli who signs my check. Just look at the beak on that bitch.
Hello folks, and welcome to the EIB network where I — God’s gift to radio, will enlighten you with jew-spin. Sure, I’ll Lie For 400 MIL
That’s right folks – they pay me 400 million Jewish Federal Reserve Notes to act as an propaganda tool in support of the Jewish Nation. Who pays me you ask? Well, I’ll tell you.
A Well Kept Secret
An Israeli woman by the name of Orit Gadiesh…used to work in “Israeli Intelligence”…actually the rumor is that she’s MOSSAD…well — she’s the CEO of a company called Bain Capital Partners in Boston.
Bain Capital owns Clear Channel Communications — and I work directly for Clear Channel Premier Radio Networks. Bain acquired Clear Channel in 2006.

One of Israel’s Propaganda Arms

You didn’t know that a Foreign Power is exercising control over your mass media?
Most of you probably are unaware that through Clear Channel alone, the Jewish Nation effectively controls the content of Kosher messages sent out to more than 154 million people, or 75% of the 18+ U.S. population.
My Kosher bosses own over 800 radio stations reaching more than 97 million listeners every week.
And folks, Premiere Radio Networks, who syndicates me also syndicates over 90 other Kosher radio programs and services to more than 5,000 radio stations affiliations reaching over 190 million listeners a week. And all of that is just CLEAR CHANNEL. There’s a whole lot more Kosher Media than that. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The enormity of control that the Jewish Nation exerts of you is almost unimaginable.
Foreign Control Of Media Presents Huge National Security Problem

Repeat After Me: I'm a Patriot and I love Israel
Anyway, Orit Gadiesh is an Israeli national with direct ties to the Israeli Intelligence community — and as you know — propaganda is real important to those Israeli Intelligence types.
They pay me lots of Jewish Federal Reserve Notes to:
1) Channel your anger away from Israel and Jews,
2) Get you to associate “patriotism” with support for a foreign nation — Israel, and
3) Package it all up in a “Conservative” message base that is specifically targeted at YOU.

My Jewish Propaganda Job

The Jewish Nation: Know any Iraq/Afghanistan vets? This is what they're fighting and dying for.
My job is all about propaganda and focusing your anger about the Jewish agenda on everything but the Jews.
Sure, I’m allowed to play the “Left” vs. “Right” angle, “Conservative” vs “Liberal,” “Republican” vs “Democrat,” and even to some extent I can talk about “Affirmative Action” and “Illegal Immigration”….but NEVER Jews except to tell you to “Put a foreign country before your own and support Israel.”
I’ll even read cue cards saying “Israel is the only Democratic Nation in the Middle East” and “Israel just wants peace”….stuff like that.
I can’t say anything truthful about the Jews or their true agenda.
They would immediately cut of my supply of Jewish Federal Reserve Notes if I did that.

My Listeners

What Do You Think? LOL
My listeners are generally good people. The backbone of America — who know “something’s wrong with this picture” and look to me for answers.
So I make sure to frame their concerns within the confines of The Jewish Agenda.
Lenin didn’t say “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it” for nothing. You sure won’t be hearing me tell you on my show that Lenin was also a Jew…or that Trotsky was a Jew…or that Marx was a Jew. Those are subjects I won’t go near with a 10 foot pole. That would be almost as bad as if I opined that perhaps the official story of the Holocaust might be somewhat flawed.
You will NEVER hear me make any such statements EVER.
In fact, if you’re not quite sure about where my loyalties lie, get a pad and pencil and the next time you listen to me – write down every time I say something critical of either “Israel” or “Jews.”

Passengers On My Private Jet Have to Go Thru My BodyScanner
I gotta admit folks, you people out there who listen to me on a regular basis…and support me……..well, you’re retards. Makes me laugh to think about it.
What do I care as long as I get my pile of Jewish Federal Reserve Notes?
Right — I don’t care. Nobody’s ever going to accuse me of being a “patriot.” That’s for sure.
I only care about me and what those notes can do for me. How else could a portly guy like me get an 18 year old hottie to give him a blowjob on his own private jet?
Consider that the next time you’re flying coach.
Foreign Control of Banking and Financial Systems Present Huge National Security Problem
That brings up an interesting subject folks….listen – open up your wallet and take out a bill and look at it. I’ll wait while you do that…………… Ok.
Look at the top margin on the front.
What does it say? It says “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.” It doesn’t say “UNITED STATES NOTE”, does it? No.
Hold on, a caller is asking: “Rush, why are you calling Federal Reserve Notes Jewish”? Caller, I know this may come as a shock to you but the Jewish Federal Reserve is run by Jews. And Jews, as you know, are devoted to the Jewish Nation — Israel. Case in point: Ben Shalom Bernanke. Shalom, caller.
So what exactly is the origin of that note? Who issued it and under what authority? It says right on there that the United States Government did NOT issue that note.
The FEDERAL RESERVE issued that note. Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve is “Federal” in name only. Just like “Federal Express,” it’s a private entity. Yes, the Private Jewish Federal Reserve issued that note. How did that happen — magic?

Jewish Magic

Ever hear of “Jewish Lighting”? Well, there’s also such a thing as “Jewish Magic.” Jewish Magic is when a group of foreign International Bankers bribe members of congress and the President (Woodrow Wilson, in this case) to enact a law giving a private group of Jewish bankers the exclusive right to “create” your money and lend it to your government for repayment plus interest.
Oh…and the interest rate for repayment is set by those same Jewish bankers. Is that awesome or what, folks?
Can you imagine the kind of power that a situation like that would entail for that group of Jewish bankers? Just imagine the implications of that kind of power.
Apparently, Thomas Jefferson could imagine the implications of that kind of power — as he said:
“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin.”
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
How did Jefferson know that? Because that was the whole reason the Revolutionary War was fought. The Jewish Bank of England was in control of the British government and saw the colonies as a nice addition to their financial portfolio.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Hang on folks…a caller asks “Rush, why are you calling the Jewish Bank of England Jewish?” Ok caller, the Bank of England is a “Rothschild” bank. Rothschild means “Red Shield” in German.
Rothschild is an assumed name taken by a Jewish banker named Meyer Amschel Bauer — who founded the Bank of England (among others). Gotta know your history folks…get with the program.

Not About Tea

So why the war? I’ll give you a hint: the Revolution wasn’t about TEA.
The colonies started printing their own money — and that’s a big Jewish no-no. It deprives them of their power over you. That’s the same thing Hitler did to resurrect the German economy.
Anyway, we’ve had this Jewish Federal Reserve thing since 1913. So how does it work again?
It goes like this: The Jewish Federal Reserve banks literally “create” money by simply making a “book entry”. That’s right — they just write down a number…and that amount of money is “created.”
Then, they lend it to the US government with a promise to repay it plus interest.
That’s what “debt-based” currency is. It’s based on your “debt” to the Jews and your “interest” payments to the Jews.
Folks, you’re looking confused. Do you need to re-read that? Go ahead if you need to.
Ok, a caller want’s to know what the alternative is. Go ahead caller: “Rush, first I want to say what an honor it is to grovel before you within earshot of millions of listeners. Thank you so much for taking my call.” Yes, caller the pleasure is all yours. Go ahead with your question. “Well, Rush…if the Jewish Federal Reserve is so bad…what’s the alternative? I mean, we need money — right? What’s the difference if the Jews manage our currency?”
Caller, The Jewish Federal Reserve Bank is only one head of the Hydra. There are others. But to simplify the problem for you, what it all boils down to is “Profit Motive” and “Private Agenda.”

Privatized Jewish Monopoly

The problem is this: Jewish corruption bribed away the right to print/create our currency to a Jewish Banking cabal in 1913. They can arbitrarily set the value of your currency at will.
This Jewish Banking group is a private profit-seeking entity. Privatization can be a good thing when mixed with “market competition”. However, in this case, this private Jewish Banking group has a “Monopoly” with no competition, has it’s own profit motive and is aligned with the interests of a foreign nation….The Jewish Nation.
Other than that — it’s great.

Private Monopoly Control and Manipulation

Private monopoly control and manipulation of the National Currency should NEVER be allowed.
Does it matter? Maybe not now…because the Jews literally “own” your Congress. But, the issuance of currency should ONLY be in the hands of government. NEVER private individuals.
Profit motive and agenda….that’s why. In this case it’s even worse than just “profit motive.” Here we are facing the furtherance of the agenda of a foreign nation…The Jewish Nation.
Due to the fact that many people are catching on to The Jewish Magic Trick at this point I could even see a possibility that the so-called, “Federal Reserve Bank” could, in fact, be “ended” for political reasons.
So, naturally, the authority to issue currency would be returned to the government where is should have always been.
Will that solve the problem?
Why not?
Because, this same Jewish cabal literally owns your Congress. How many Jews, plus sell-outs populate your Senate? Start counting them. I’d bet at this point …….. all of them are either a Jew or a sell-out worshipper of The Jewish Nation.
How many Jews are on your Supreme Court right now? 4 of 9. Let’s say they get one more Jew on there. Then it will be the Jewish Supreme Kosher Court.
So, now you understand why they also control your media…right? Media control helps get certain people elected…and ensures that others don’t.
So what will fix this?
We have to “Press the Reset Button”….”Flush the Toilet”…..”Start Over.”
Otherwise…………more of the same.
Bottom line: We have to remove Jews and Jewish Influence from the equation.
Folks, this situation is WORSE than if the Armed Forces of the United States were under the direct control of some guy in Brooklyn — rather than the President of the United States. It’s actually worse because through the subversion of our money system — the Jews have taken control over the entire government — not just the military (which they are using to further their own agenda).

Interest-Based Jewish Capitalism

Ain’t collecting interest great?
Did you know that collecting interest is a sin under Islam? It’s called “Riba.” It’s a sin because it leads to “interest slavery.” A great evil — the weight of which you live under right now.
So now you know why you’re being programmed to believe that Islam is “evil.” It sure is evil, especially if you’re a Jewish Banker. Islamic banks are forbidden to charge interest.
Yes, the Jewish Bankers just get deluged with money from essentially nowhere. Isn’t that awesome?
I guess that’s why they call them the “chosen” people. Long story short, with all that money they have subverted governments, manipulated economic depressions, acquired assets, and even hired propaganda tools like me.

Interest Slavery

Under Hitler, Germany did away with “interest slavery.” They kicked out the Jewish Bankers and started printing their own money — based on….nothing.
Nothing at all but the confidence of the German worker. They forbade “unearned income” and made “work” mandatory…hence the German phrase “Arbeit macht frei” — which means “work liberates” or “work will set you free.”

Work Will Set You Free

Once their economy and their currency were under their control, in 5 years Germany went from a destitute nation to the world’s most powerful economy. Simply by reforming its money and banking systems.
You’re not allowed to know about that. Just the Holocaust. That’s all you need to know about Hitler’s Germany. The Holocaust, “death” camps, gas chambers and the suffer-hink. Never mind if it’s not true. All you need to know is that Jews are “victims”.

Shadow Government

A caller is asking “Rush, what does this Jewish Federal Reserve thing have to do with niggers?” Caller, The Jewish Federal Reserve System is your Shadow Government.
The JEWISH STATE a.k.a. Israel
Those Jews are pulling all the strings here. They even tell me what to say and when to say it…at least when I’m on the air.

Collective Guilt Campaign

This Jewish Shadow Government implemented the “collective guilt campaign” in post WW2 Germany which sought to individually charge each and every white German with this really big whopper of an atrocity called the Holocaust.
Don’t Worry – They Raped Her Afterward. She “deserved” it.
Why Collective Guilt?
The Collective Guilt Campaign was designed as an attempt to get the remaining German people to disassociate from National Socialist Germany. The Campaign sought to equate Nationalism and self-preservation as somehow “evil.”

We’ve All Seen The HOLOCAUST Pictures

Then those clever bastards guilted and coerced the rest of the world into allowing them to create a Jewish Nation. That’s what I call chutzpa!

During the final months of the war, the Germans were not ABLE to supply the camps (or German civilians) with food or medicine. Lots of people died of TYPHUS — including German civilians.
How about the US CIVIL WAR prisoners held at ANDERSONVILLE. Were civil war soldiers being “HOLOCAUSTED”?
Were typhus victims in Togo-Benin, West Africa, Bangladesh and Haiti, recently – “HOLOCAUSTED”?
The same game-plan of “collective guilt” was then used against each and every individual white American in the United States during the Jew/Communist “civil rights campaign” for the Slavery of negroes.
Never mind that the center of Slavery in the US was Newport, Rhode Island and that essentially ALL of the slave traders were Jews. The slave traders were Jews, the slave ship owners were Jews and the slave ship crews were Jews.
Never mind that the Jews didn’t free the slaves — white men freed them.
Never mind any of that — you as a white person are guilty.
Why Collective Guilt Again?

You as a white person must forever be guilty!
Because it worked the first time.
So Team Jew is out there running the same play over and over. So far, your defense has been rather lackluster. From up here in the stands, it looks like your team doesn’t even seem to know that a game is being played at all. It’s almost as if your coaching staff is working for the other side.
Hell, even I can see this and I never played sports at all because my rotund physique would have put me at too much of an advantage.
But I sure do watch a lot of niggerball — so even I, El Rushbo, know when a team keeps running the same play.

Team Jew

Caller, go ahead: “Um — Rush, so basically Team Jew keeps running the same play on us? So, why don’t we recognize it and plug the hole?”
Caller, in order to recognize the play — you first have to recognize that you’re in a game and facing an opponent — right caller?
Well, Team Jew is doing everything it can to cover the fact that they even exist. They’re trying to be “invisible.” This is why you get fired for connecting the dots between, say, banking and Jews — media and Jews — or government policy and Jews.
Ever notice that Jews commonly change their names to non-Jewish sounding names? That’s one of their devices to attempt to become “invisible” to you. You see caller — Team Jew doesn’t want you to know they’re there. But they are there — and they’re scoring points on you. Look at ‘em go.
You know the saying: “Fool me once — shame on you… fool me twice — shame on me”…right? The reason they used it again on White Americans was because it worked on White Germans. And you White Americans are genetically similar to your brother Germans.
The aim of the Collective Guilt Campaign with respect to the Negroes was to get white people to disassociate with their own heritage — because it is somehow “evil.”
Catching on yet?
This was done to damage white European solidarity. You are reaping the benefits of all that today…especially in places like Detroit. Visit Detroit sometime…it’s the American Haiti.
Slavery is alive and well TODAY in SHITTY AFRICA. It took WHITE MEN to end slavery in the civilized world. That’s right…WHITE MEN.

Endgame: Communism & Jew Control

Essentially, the goal is to crash the current system and replace it with Jew-run communism as they did in Soviet Russia. Some people call that the “new world order.” Call it what you will, but cultural Marxism (aka, political correctness) and communism go hand in hand.
Karl Marx’s real name was Mordecai — his father was a Rabbi. He was just another Jew that changed his name so that his Jewishness was “invisible.” Didn’t want to be THAT obvious, especially since most of the chief instigator of the so-called “Russian Revolution” were….you guess it — Jews. That Jewish cocksucker worked to promote an underclass uprising against white leadership — sold the whole thing as “freedom” from “oppression” just so the Jews could jump in and run things. People became even less free and far more oppressed….all to the benefit of the Jew.
The object was to replace the white leadership with JEWISH leadership — and rape the nation.
In fact, the whole underlying motive behind “multi-culturalism” is the removal of white leadership — replacing it with JEWS. And then, rape the nation.
Remember what I said about Team Jew running the same plays on you? The play they run to subvert nations is as simple as one, two, three…
One: Promote the “underclass”.
Two: Remove white leadership, and
Three: Replace with Jews (or ethnic puppet, if necessary)…

Get it?
And they’re doing the same thing here — and in all white nations. The reason why they’re importing all the mud people is because they constitute an “instant underclass” — just add water. Because they’re congenital underachievers, they are easily led towards communism. As the population of the “underclass” rises — your chances of survival diminish.
It’s all about Jews destroying white civilization to the benefit of Jews. That’s what they’re trying to do.
We are opposed around the world by a Ruthless and Monolithic Jewish Conspiracy…

BTW, “Covet Means” is code for: Banking and Finance. This includes the IMF and World Bank. See “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” for how they “expand their sphere of influence.”
The Jewish Conspiracy combines:
Scientific, and
Political operations.

Do not underestimate the enormity of this problem

--Phillip Marlowe

The Bromberg (Bolshevik overkill) massacre (click here)

Monday, December 06, 2010

Words fail me. Define chutzpah

Oh yeah--and the Romans killed Christ

Every year at the Christmas season we are subject to the Jew and his poison arrows. We are bombarded by all sorts of Jews in their many props and disguises. They work in unison to make everyone as miserable as they are. A keen eye can catch their magic tricks and remove their thin veil of deceit.
The Coffee House Jews slither out from the University with some faux intellectual speech belittling the very idea of Christmas. They present the idea they are against all religion and quote Jewish Websites regarding the Crusades and Czar Russia.
The Benevolent Jews, aka Matt Lauer pretend to honor and respect everyones choice of religion all the while he provides a platform for the many Jews that appear one after another disguised as experts on his stage. The poison arrows in their props are endless. One showing people how to cook fish for the holiday, beet soup, leeks red cabbage and all other non-traditional holiday recipes.
These experts peddle their wares just as their ancestors did peddling old clothes, except now they have a stage rather than an ally. Experts blast us with suicide statistics, holiday bankruptcy, homeless children, cruises, Christmas murders, drunk Santa’s. They drool with all the nasty news they can throw at us. If they could throw feces wrapped in ribbon through the set they would.
Secular Jews who live among the goyim celebrate Christmas with tons of toys, “holiday” tree with blue or purple lights, this Shylock exclaims what a “fun” holiday it is. Soon Christmas will be like Easter, a “Winter holiday” not Christmas.
WallStreet Jews are the worse, they watch the shoppers, luring them in with their commercials and signs, sitting back counting their money. A good Christmas is determined by how much junk they have sold at a high price.
Hollywood Jews push their sick twisted movies they call “Christmas movies” on the rest of the crowd which only wants to go out for a movie.
Then the evil Jews will close a factory at Christmas in order to ensure that people will starve the rest of Christmas break.
They are miserable and want everyone else to be.
Jews have upstaged their happy secular Jews this year as the Christians have caught on to their “happy holiday” remarks. To avoid a Pogram they have capitalized on secular Christmas. A few more years of this and the true atheist and Christians will unite with nausea.
None of this is about the birth of Christ. That is the idea, they can’t just sit back and be quiet, they cannot stand the memory of losing their land and the yearly reminder they are a DIECIDE nation no matter where they roost.
What they could do is mourn the thousands of innocent babies killed by Herod’s men in hopes one of them would be the Christ child.
For a group of people who hug every injustice against “their people” they sure are silent on the holocaust of thousands of innocents. Why? They know if people remember that Herod was a Jew, he ordered the babies killed, then it is proof they did believe in Christ. Believed in Him enough to kill Him. The Romans had no reason to kill Christ.
December 28th marks the anniversary of the slaughter of the Jewish babies, not a word is heard, Jews are quiet as a mouse.
They should be sad at Christmas but not because they can’t have the goyim working all day but because they are children of those that killed not only Christ but the children who just happened to be born on the wrong day. --skinnylegsrandall

Sunday, November 28, 2010

God's Israel is not a Nation but a New Creature

There was, and remains, a ‘chosen people,’ but they are not by race, or culture or even religion. Rather, as John wrote, “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13) and this, the Israel of God, is defined clearly this way: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision (Jewishness) availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” (Galatians 6:15-16). This transition of who and what true Israel is was also declared by Christ when he told the parable of the Vineyard owner in Matthew 21, afterwards saying plainly “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Matthew 21:43).

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More Zionist-Bolshie Lies Exposed (click here)

Since WWII, the Katyn Forrest massacre of Polish officers, political leaders, academics and the elite had been blamed on those evil Nazis. Just last year was the truth officially revealed.

More Holocaust hypocracy...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

White Slavery and Jewish Masters (click here)

Christian Heretic Hagee (click here)

There is no excuse Hagee or anyone can make up to deceive people that the Jew are somehow exempt from the Christian covenant.
Acts 4:5-12.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Protocols of the Ruffle-Crested Kikes of Zion

(Where-in the Author of the Protocols is Identified)
Professor Banjo_Billy, Kikenverminologist
patientman, of Greater London, Europe,
providing French translation and research assistance
Those wily creatures, the Common Ruffle-Crested Jews,
To avoid hiking along the same trails that have already been investigated by previous explorers, no researcher on safari ever just jumps into the jungle without first doing the necessary studies of the scientific literature. So, the first stop in my quest was the research stacks of my university library. There, deep in the rows of dusty dissertations and arcane volumes, I found the first clues to tracking down the elusive Ruffled Crested Jew.
According to the histories on the subject, it seems that this particular varmint has been causing a lot of trouble for Mankind during the past several millennia, even worse than mosquitoes and the crocodile combined. So, I was determined to put a stop to its depredations by studying its natural history and its characteristics in the wild. However, unlike other flora and fauna, the Ruffled Crested Jews know how to read and write. I found its oddly shaped tracks leading directly out of a book known as the Old Testament. Poking their mangy bearded faces out of that book, the Ruffle Crested Jews have proclaimed themselves, while scratching their fleas, to be the finest example of creatures on the planet, second only to God in their immaculate wonderfulness.
This surprising revelation set me back in my chair with complete consternation. I had always assumed that the Ruffle Crested Jews were similar to locusts or termites or tape worms by the way they gnawed away at society through banking and stock market swindles and by the way that they created wars in which everybody died or were made homeless except for themselves. These were dangerous monsters, I had thought. Could I have been wrong? Could I have been mistaken about their lies, their swindles, their depraved perversions, their evil, and their nasty habits simply out of some bigoted prejudice on my own part? I took a sip from my flask of medicinal spirits to sooth my worry pangs, as I pressed onward with my studies.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Christians Need to Know about genocide (click here)

Original post was deleted by our wonderful friends and allies at the ADL and JDL. So I'll post this link that some may become aquainted with Lt. Col. Gordon (Jack) Mohr. <div>

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

That rascal Cyrus

Our buds from the ME apartheid State

"I hope they did kill Christ. I'd do it again"

Still in the Past

This is their guide to kill and it's so-called justification. The Torah. Still living under the old covenant. Their coven exposes how they see all Christians that would question their faith in an old testament law and doctrine of conquest and lust for blood. Until they are brought into the 21st century there will be no peace ever in the conflicted Zionist occupied region, short of an act of God or complete annihilation by mankind. Perhaps I'm wrong about that but I've looked at this for some time now and don't see any other way or remedy for this dilemma. They do not want you to convert them or love them.

If you click on the title you will see a video about the Torah being their justification to kill non-jews whether it is a child or president of a nation.

+ + +

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book’s Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews

A rabbinical guidebook for killing non-Jews has sparked an uproar in Israel and exposed the power a bunch of genocidal theocrats wield over the government.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Old News

We will be cleaning up this accident forever cause it keeps getting swept under the rug. Every goat story needs a sacrificial sucker. Americans are next.

Reality Check

The Ugly Truth
-- Mark Glenn

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Turn off the Lie-stations!

Today TV is nothing but Jew propaganda and damage control central. Click on the title above to get a pretty good recap of our wonderful loving friends and allies that you unwaveringly offer your support.

I really have a hard time believing Christ would dig seeing us cheerleading for the evil bastard state. Not only that but the real power lies with their cousins in Jew York City. There they control us throught the media, education and of course that brainwashing  profain programming jew-boob-tube we call TV.
Some one suggested that what I say is too radical of a change in my life and I understand what they were trying to say so I didn't take it too much to heart, but felt others may have interpreted it as what I say here and other places as being a betrayal to my life-time friends.

I have grown up in some ways and have certainly become more informed over the past 25 years.

I would rather risk betraying some that are my friends or related contacts than to betray my faith and my family.

The Alhambra Decree of 1492

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, by the grace of God, King and Queen of Castile, León, Aragon and other dominions of the crown – to the prince Juan, to dukes, marquees, counts, the holy orders, priors, knight commanders, lords of the castles, cavaliers, and to all Jews, men and women of whatever age, and to anyone else this letter may concern – health and grace unto you.
You well know that in our dominion, there are certain bad Christians that judaised and committed apostasy against our Holy Catholic faith, much of it the cause of communications between Jews and Christians. Therefore, in the year 1480, we ordered that the Jews be separated from the cities and towns of our domains and that they be given separate quarters, hoping that by such separation the situation would be remedied. And we ordered that and an Inquisition be established in such domains; and in twelve years it has functioned, the Inquisition has found many guilty persons. Furthermore, we are informed by the Inquisition and others that the great harm done to the Christians persists, and it continues because

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dog Poet transmitting... Shutter Island

--Les Visible

Susanne came to me yesterday to tell me that her friend had gone to this blog and clicked on one of the sites in my blog roll and got really offended by something that blogger has written, as if I were the author and also responsible for it.

It probably had something to do with Zionism because now she thinks I am a Nazi, even though I didn’t write it and haven’t even seen it. This is an expression of the kind of thing that determines the sense of reality that is held by so many people and which is the primary and greatest problem that operates in the world today. People aren’t curious or open to more than they think they already know, so they

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Got Recovery?!

The USA in it's deathroes of economic cancer. Withering on the vine.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time for a Break Ladies and Gentlemen

And now for your entertainment pleasure a song from our new Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan...

I love that song, although it is difficult to watch.

A license to provoke

--Mark Glenn

Monday, August 16, 2010

Freedom isn't free

Click title link

This is where we as Americans with loyalty to one nation are failing. We don't want to give support to any worthwhile causes. They... on the other hand give generously and often to support any cause that is good for them but not for US citzens. That's how the battle is to be won or lost.

I implore everyone that believes in the right of America to enforce it's laws and defend itself from outside corrupting influence and invasion to give...  if only $5 dollars. A little given by many and often will make a tremendous difference.

Another good cause in my opinion is to donate to Brother Nathanael Kapner at Real Zionist News.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Two plane crashes makes one begin to wonder if...

Top US Senator Assassinated As Obama “Weather War” Plunges World Into Chaos

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010

Stranded in Babylon

Music by the late great Nashville/Murfreesboro TN band "Freedom of Expression"

From their early 80's LP "For Lack of a Better Word"


Cristina Ruiz Cortina

Gaza War: The Innocent Victims

In Pictures: The slaughter of Gazan children

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Flander's post

Everyone has seen and read Part 1 of, “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”, by the former american jew, Jack Bernstein (If you haven’t read it, that is a real shame. It is linked below, too, in case you haven’t. It is essential to read in order to have a fuller understanding of the jew/israeli/communism problem).

But did you know that he had written a Part 2? Here is an excerpt, and the link, along with the challenge which Bernstein issued to zionist jews in his tracts and shortly before he was assasinated.

Communism exposed

“The Jew is an inborn Communist.”

— Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, page 311.

Boycott International Jewry

There is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fury of their persecutors.” (Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, (1934), p. 64).

They are doing to the USA what they did to Germany. Anything they accuse Hitler of they are ten times more guilty of themselves. Draw your own conclusions. I hope people will wake up before they consume you.

Monday, August 02, 2010

More dialectic BS of the no-talk tribe from Chosenstine

Talk about intimidation and chutzpah. The jewish lobby defines hypocrisy.

So much for free speech in this country. Just more Zionist brainwashing. We are communist now and yet no one says a word or they lose their jobs or are killed. We are the goyish slaves to the Zionist masters.

Opole, Poland, June 16, 2010 -- The body of a former Polish history professor, Dariusz Ratajczak, convicted by a Polish court in 2002 of claiming that mass gassings of human beings in Auschwitz-Birkenau was impossible, has been found dead in a shopping center parking lot in the western Polish city of Opole.

Prof. Ratajczak was suspended in April 1999 from his teaching post at Opole University's Historical Institute after state prosecutors opened an investigation into the publication of his book Tematy niebezpieczne ("Dangerous Themes").

"The body, which was severely decomposed, has been identified by Ratajczak's family, so additional DNA tests will not have to be carried out," says Lidia Sieradzka from the Prosecutor's Office in Opole.

Judging by the state of the body and recent high temperatures, the man has been dead for up to two weeks, say police. Security guards at the Karolinka shopping centre claim, however, that the historian's Renault Kangoo was left at the car park on the same day, June 11, that it was discovered. In the car police found documents which belonged to 48-year-old revisionist historian Ratajczak. Recordings from CCTV are being examined.

The cause of Ratajczak's death remains uncertain. Police think it is unlikely that he was murdered because it is alleged that no injuries were found on the body during the autopsy.

Police established that the historian, who had problems finding employment in Poland, planned to go to Holland or Belgium to work in a company to do menial labor. For that purpose he acquired a Renault Kangoo automobile, in which his body was found stuffed between the front and rear seats. It is reported that he may have been living in his car. He worked at odd jobs for food.

In 2000, Dariusz Ratajczak was fired from the University of Opole, where he worked for eleven years, and banned from teaching at other universities for three years after the publication of Tematy niebezpieczne, in which he claimed that it was not scientifically possible to kill millions of people in alleged Auschwitz death camp gas chambers.

Earlier in 1999, a Polish court found Ratajczak guilty of "public denial" of German war crimes – which is against the law in Poland – but because the book was self-published with a print run of only 260 copies it was not thought to be able to create a "social annoyance" and he was not punished. In his defense, Prof. Ratajczak told the court that his book was merely a survey of many dissenting views on the "Holocaust," including revisionist works by British historian David Irving and others. "Holocaust denial" is a crime in Poland, Germany, Hungary, France, Switzerland and Austria.

Mr. Ratajczak is survived by a son and a daughter.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pushover brought her kittens out yesterday. Looks like one didn't make it.

Just found out that several kids at the store across the street said they found a cat and wanted to take it home. That was before I knew Pushover had brought them out from hiding.

Still wandering about trying to obtain funding for the HIT classes. Seems no one knows their right hand from their left. It may not happen. Deadlines are coming and going. Makes me wonder why those courses were even promoted.

Finally, got my MMR shot and all the paperwork done for classes this fall at CSCC and one class from VSCC. Thankful they are to be held at GM in Spring Hill.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AZ Immigration law

Time is coming when I will have to show my papers but because of racial profiling others will not. Up is down, night is day and so forth in our New World Order.
Can you believe the ruling handed down by Judge S. Bolton regarding the injuction against AZ S1070? The State of Arizona is only attempting to legally enforce the law that the Fed will not.

I told my neighbors earlier that day that the Illegals would win this court battle. They will win all of them. You still think things are going to change? Yes it will, for the worse. We are completely owned and controlled by a Zionist communist occupied government.

Illegals 1, Americans 0.

If you begin to tally up the scorecard...

Zionism - The Occult of Antichrist

Zionism - The Occult Guild Of Antichrist

A Christian Perspective

By Alton Raine

Right now, across the globe, born-again, fundamentalist, bible-believing, evangelical Christians are being led down a path to destruction through a Satanically calculated deception, the roots of which were cultivated in ages past set forth for the final conflict between good and evil on earth. They haven't a clue they are deceived, in fact, they have filled themselves with the cancer of religious pride so as to become perfectly deluded, thinking themselves the correctors of the foolish and those in error. While wrapped up in useless controversies over denominational dogma or mesmerized by modern Christian media with 'end-times' speculations such as 'The Rapture,' a far more sinister undertow of self-imposed blindness drags the Church closer and closer toward the 'great falling away', or 'final apostasy.'

Part and parcel to the Zionist objective by more than one faction of the religio-political movement is...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To plumb the depths

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.

--Donald Rumsfeld

Now, I understand Pilates remark when he asked, "What is truth?"

I don't think we'll be seeing Oliver Stone's movie any time soon. If we do it will leave many more questions than any answered.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Holocaust - another spectacular deception

Dwight D. Murphey

Do we really know the truth about much of anything? Or are countless subjects veiled in a miasma of omission and distortion?

Where are our academic historians? Most historians like to give us pleasing myths, which is something expected of them and for which they are rewarded with medals, prizes and high sales.

How pervasive is a cravenness that will put almost anything ahead of a search for truth? Does mankind care very deeply about truth?

To what extent is a society or an age “democratic” if its citizens’ minds are filled with phantoms, so that most of the judgments they make are either vacuous or manipulated?
And to what extent is it “democratic” if those citizens don’t even have a vital say in decisions of the gravest importance? It is significant that Keeling says that “the people of no nation in modern history, including ourselves, have ever enjoyed an important voice in the making of the great decisions either of going to war or of framing the peace arrangements.

"What the Jews do is create a psychological No-Talk Rule around themselves.

They’ve done this during this round by making themselves The World’s Sad Victims. If you even speak of them they immediately evoke Adolf Hitler and “gas chambers.” It’s just a big psychological ruse, and they use the German camps thing expertly to maintain the “no talk rule.” There is evidence Jews (esp. the rabbis) ACTUALLY HELPED CREATE the German camps thing (and the gas/ovens myth) — explicitly to get the world’s sympathy, get Israel, get rid of the Jews they didn’t want — and to create a “no talk rule” that would last a long time.

What happens when you create a “no talk” rule around yourselves?

You get Psychological Invisibility. Pretty soon people don’t even SEE you. When it’s not permissible to talk about a thing for a long time — no matter how bizarre it is — people tune it out and actually stop seeing it.

What happens when you have invisibility? You can Do As You Like, manipulate as you like, network as you like, steal and do other crimes — as you like. You are free to do whatever you like unobstructed and un-criticized.

What happens when you are so free to do as you like? You take advantage and damage other peoples.

You also corrupt yourself; you become corrupt and wicked. This has happened to the Jews. (Witness 9-11, Jewish porn, Sarah Silverman, ad infinitum).

So all Gentiles should TALK ABOUT THE JEWS to save them from their own corruption."

-- Julian Lee

Related links:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Who Controls America?

Just as Britain, France, Russia, and Germany, so goes the USA.

Who Controls the White House?

Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Who Controls the Ivy League?

Who Controls Hollywood?

Who Controls the U.S. State Department?

Who Controls the Council on Foreign Relations?

Who Controls the Bilderberg Group? (2010)

Who Controls the U.S. Economy?

Who Controls the Federal Reserve System?

Who Controls the U.S. Treasury Department?

Who Controls Goldman Sachs?

Who Controls American International Group?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Akira has a way of putting it all out there

Today, for the first time this summer I saw a hummingbird in the Cleome garden.

Looks like Snickers has been in a fight or had an accident. I hate to think someone may have shot her. Can't get close enough to see exactly the extent of injury to left eye.
Update: Snickers is fine. Must have been scratched or allergy...?

Robin got busted and in jail. She's wailing for a 320K bail bond. It looks like many others will fall along the way.
Update: Going to rehab.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Enough despair, I need a hug!! Thanks C!

So powerful. This is all we need. Ultimately, all we need is love. Too bad there are those that would rather kill you or have you done for. I love this video. Awesome and so sweet. Thanks!

The Crucifixion of Mel Gibson

James Edwards

The William Morris Endeavor Agency has announced that they’re dropping Mel Gibson from their talent roster, and will no longer represent him. Because he used a “bad word”, about no one in particular, and in a moment of passion:

I’ve just learned that WME Entertainment actually fired Mel Gibson the day before his longtime Hollywood agent Ed Limato’s death last weekend. I’m told what happened is that the news media reported last week there was a tape of Mel Gibson making a racial slur. And last Friday, WME board member Ari Emanuel “woke up at 3 AM and emailed his partner Patrick Whitesell that ‘we can’t represent a guy who said the N-word’.” So the agency dumped Mel Gibson on July 2nd, and the next day, on July 3rd, his agent Limato died. Today the 2-minute recording was released by the celebrity website which initially broke the news that on it Mel Gibson allegedly uses a racial epithet during a fight with Oksana Grigorieva, the mother of his child: “You’re an embarrassment to me. You look like a f***ing bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault.”

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kenneth O'Keefe

Former US Marine defender of Mavi Mara with Gaza Flotilla
Videos 1-3

No comment...yet

Analysis of the symbolism used  in Lady GaGa's video "Alejandro".

KitKat aka Pushover moved her babies to higher ground overnight. Too much rain here. Not sure where they are.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Behind Communism

Behind Communism

The Protocols of Zion ties in well with "Behind Communism" and it's ideology

Also, check the Judaic Quotes page over at the right sidebar.

Today Connie and I got the grandchildren and spent the afternoon swimming at Henry Horton State Park. We had a great time.

Friday, July 09, 2010

theuglytruth by Mark Glenn

An excellent analysis of the terrorist state of Israhell.

Woe to those that partake in this great evil

Why would a professed Christian support this?

"And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind."

Yeah, that's right. I am speaking to you that call yourselves, "Judeo-Christians". That is not Christianity. They were never called that in the bible. Only referred to as Christians. Followers of  Jesus Christ. Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. It is a house divided against its self or the infiltration and conversion to Zionist Judaism. I pity the fool that lends support to these terrorist blood-thirsty vipers and children of Satan.

Read this link and weep. I hope God will forgive those that proudly display their support of Israel, IDF etc. Nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing.

“Why should we worry about Islamists commandeering airplanes when we have Israelis commandeering our entire government?” — Mary O’Brien, American citizen, NY

There need be no confusion in the minds of Christians when it comes to the fundamentals of the faith. This confusion would not exist if it were not for those of the clergy who are allies with the enemy who seeks to destroy them. There are countless Christians who are standing on the sidelines watching as their faith withers on the vine, and their freedom is about to drop into the laps of their enemies like overripe fruit. This cup will become more bitter when they realize that it is the ignorance and indifference of their spiritual leaders which has caused the deplorable condition of Christianity today. When Christians see their leaders in defeat on every front, they too will become confused and afraid. To stop this surrender, the clergy MUST make an about-face, no matter how painful it may be. They must take a stand against the invisible and intangible ideological war which is being waged against the Christian faith.

The utterance from the clergy which confuses Christians most and which is repeated from the pulpit and the printed page without ceasing is: “Jesus was a Jew. We must protect and help the Jews, no matter what they do because they are God’s chosen people and if we do not help them, God will curse us.” This is the teaching from the majority of Christian pulpits in 1992. They completely ignore the definition of an “anti-Christ” as given in I John 2:22-23:

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-christ, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”

This couldn’t be more clear, and it is certainly an accurate portrayal of Jewish thought today. In II John 1:10 – 11, Christians are given a stern admonition as to their attitude toward these anti-Christs:

“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, (that Jesus is the Christ.) receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed: For he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.”


Monday, July 05, 2010

Time For Some Serious American SMACKDOWN!

--Phillip Marlowe

July 2, 2010 Jewish Subversion

FOR REAL AMERICANS on the eve of America’s 234th birthday, I wanted to state for the record exactly why I write the things I do here. Believe me, I would not go to all this bother if I didn’t feel it was crucially important to each of us, our children, grandchildren and America’s future. If you feel concerned with current events and where America is headed, please take a few minutes to read this.

Everywhere I go these days, I see more and more signs of America finally turning a wary eye to the real source of America’s problems and now talking openly among each other. No, I don’t see it on the mainstream media (are you kidding me?), but the Internet is abuzz and often even in the real world. And about damn time, I’d say.

Most decent White people don’t want to be known as a “hater” etc., etc. But no clear-thinking person wants to be a victim either. People are also beginning to seriously suspect all the business about “liberals” versus “conservatives.” These are convenient labels — like Republicans and Democrats — that the Globalist oligarchy wants us to use among ourselves. This divides us up into opposing camps, while continually keeping us distracted from them and “what’s really going on.”

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pentagram program pranks

I watched this video some time ago and stumbled across it again today. This time I will save it. Thanks CIT!


Amy was released on Monday. Jamie made a scene here Saturday and caused misery for everyone.

This past weekend, Alayna and Jay were enjoying the first overnight stay here on W. Ninth. The thing that stood out most in my mind after their visit was when we crossed back across the road from Johnny's Market into the front yard. The cicadas were showing out having a big time party. The volume was amped up full tilt. They are plentiful in our neighborhood this year. At that time she asked me what they were and if they would hurt us or bite us. I smilingly assured her that they would cause no harm to us. It was their first time to hear the summer time drone of a cyclical cicadas outbreak.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

How World Jewry pushed America into WWII

How World Jewry Pushed America Into WWII

“Get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish financiers and you will put an end to all wars” — Henry Ford

By William Anderson

In the years before World War II, the American public had no desire to go to war in either Europe or Asia. We, as Americans, had no interest in warring with Germany, Italy or Japan. Yet America was forced to battle the Axis Powers for four long years at the sole behest of International Jewry.

In fact, World Jewry commenced its War against Germany in 1933, the year Hitler came to power, even before he had time to begin implementing a program for pulling Germany out of its own economic depression. [See headline dated 3/24/33]

Jewry’s declaration of a “holy war” against Germany was issued by Samuel Untermeyer of the World Jewish Federation who said in the New York “Times” of 7 Aug. 1933 that it would be means of an “economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.”

Furthermore, the Toronto “Evening Telegram” of 26 Feb. 1940 quotes Rabbi Maurice L. Perlzweig of the World Jewish Congress as telling a Canadian audience that “the World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years” (i.e. 1933).

Jews were obviously willing to back up their threats, for the London “Sunday Chronicle” of 2 Jan. 1938 reported that “leaders of International Jewry” had met in Geneva, Switzerland to set up a $2.5 BILLION fund to undermine the economic stability of Germany.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Asphalt Volcano

Could this oil gusher be a planned operation to cull the herd? A little venting and dispersing some dispersants to exterminate some pockets of welfare recipients and other useless eaters that live & retire to the Southern shores. Could it be possible that most of the Gulf is just a boiling cauldron of gases, asphalt and oil with enough natural microbes present that will retify this disasterous spill (sic), given enough time. But with a little planning, spilling and venting from the side of the volcano it can be used to push the "Green agenda", "Cap and Trade and lead to eventually taxing all the air that you & have have left to breathe. Heck, who knows for sure... just a thought. I don't mean to trivialize. The Gulf rupture is America's worst environmental disaster to date and will create untold miseries. It just makes me wonder why all the leaders, PTB, etc. behave like it's no big deal, just business as usual and there is no sense of urgency with solving this ecological catastrophe.

Since my last post I attended the TOH homecoming and a SHHS 'old school' reunion over the past weekend. I had a wonderful time. Got to see so many people I haven't seen in 30 years and many that I've always thought highly of.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Got to be a WW in there somewhere

Rothschilds-Rockefellers Prep US,

EU For China Conquest

By Dick Eastman


ZionistJew-ChineseTriad Alliance aim at nothing less than total world communist enslavement for those of us who do not escape the genocidal culling and a permanent elite master-races aristocracy graced with godlike weath and high-tech power.

The American people are few in number, less than seven... now, six percent. They have been flooded with people of other lands who have been fed anti-American and “anti-White Man.” Something similar has been done in Europe. The plan was for the 9-11 false-flag attack to initiate mutually destructive conflict between the civilizations of Europe and the Americas against Islam. With conspiracy agents controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller interests (Goldman-Sachs, IMF, World Bank, FED, the UN, the European Union Central Bank, and thousand of NGO’s including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group to do their bidding — ever aspect of our culture has been sabotaged. China has an army of former Americans, the “Ex-Pats” in China who are assisting working this conquest and slaughter.

Each has the soul of a Blankfein or Rham Emanuel or Barrak Obama (talking about the soul of a communist infiltrators and the winning smile of one). 9/11, the weather disasters, ecological disasters, the drug invasion, abortion, pornography and the destruction of all institutions that transmitted the vital cultural practices of our civilization — all have been seen to by those who developed Zhou Enlai’s and Leon Trotsky’s plan for the communist subversion of the US.

God has put good men in the Americas and in Europe and in Japan and Southeast Asia who understand the situation and will lead against the eventuality. They need about two or three billion followers around the world in order to overthrow Rothschild power.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nashville's historic flooding

Just a quick note about Nashville's forgotten floods. I wondered why Nashville got so little coverage about the historic flooding that hadn't been seen since 1937, before the TVA harnessed the Tennessee River Valley. That weekend, May 1st was all about the Times Square bomber and the news was saturated with that and the SE Gulf oil spill disaster. Mostly a fear mongering and propaganda tool instead of real news these days. 'Hope people will send any aid they can to the Nashville disaster relief effort. I had several friends that were effected by the floods, not only in Nashville but as far away as Jackson, TN. Over half the states' counties got soaked with devastating rains.

Whilst our minds are on the oil spill and terrorist we overlook the looting and terrorizing taking place with the Stock Market crash and another Jabba being nominated to the Jewnited States Supreme Court. Aren't there any qualified gentile candidates out there? That will make the SCOTUS 1/3 of the way to full noahide law. Think that confidence shattering drop in the markets was just some fat fingering? You bet. They have ways of telling us that you mess with the Fed audit we'll cut you off at the knees. So now it gets a watered down version that basically give them the license to be the Federal Reserve to the world. Change you can believe in.

Another note: Amy got a job. Another historic event.
Update: Unfortunately, she lost her job and did a little time since then. Now, 08/'10 she is doing better at a home in Mt. Pleasant.

Times are a changing

It's been years since I last visited this blog I tried to get off the ground years ago, but just lost interest. Not much has changed for the better when I last went on a rampage. If it has it has been only for the worse.

I am going to begin a new course with this blog. It will be much or more outspoken than before especially directed towards those that claim to follow Christ. They are the people I know, love and trust yet I feel sad believing they are misguided from birth through the manipulation of the Zionist media pulpit to swallow a barrel of lies and actually believe that it is some kind of truth. I will never claim to know the whole truth or even that much of the truth but will attempt to share what to me actually makes the most logical sense as it changes each day as I wish to learn more. I hope that over time I can grow more as a human being in kindness yet some how make a difference in making this a better world for myself and my neighbors because of this uneasy journey I am attemping to undertake. I know a lot of people will think that I am a racist or even a naziiii because of what I say, but at least you will know who I am and so I will wear that badge with honor. Most of the articles I share here will be from others that are awakened or are awakening to the ills that plague our nation, culture and heritage.