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Monday, July 05, 2010

Time For Some Serious American SMACKDOWN!

--Phillip Marlowe

July 2, 2010 Jewish Subversion

FOR REAL AMERICANS on the eve of America’s 234th birthday, I wanted to state for the record exactly why I write the things I do here. Believe me, I would not go to all this bother if I didn’t feel it was crucially important to each of us, our children, grandchildren and America’s future. If you feel concerned with current events and where America is headed, please take a few minutes to read this.

Everywhere I go these days, I see more and more signs of America finally turning a wary eye to the real source of America’s problems and now talking openly among each other. No, I don’t see it on the mainstream media (are you kidding me?), but the Internet is abuzz and often even in the real world. And about damn time, I’d say.

Most decent White people don’t want to be known as a “hater” etc., etc. But no clear-thinking person wants to be a victim either. People are also beginning to seriously suspect all the business about “liberals” versus “conservatives.” These are convenient labels — like Republicans and Democrats — that the Globalist oligarchy wants us to use among ourselves. This divides us up into opposing camps, while continually keeping us distracted from them and “what’s really going on.”

And you know very well that there are no secret instructions being handed out. That’s clearly ridiculous (but they use the idea to make anyone questioning the deal look crazy). No, on the individual level, the gate keepers are simply toeing the party line because they have a vested interest in the status quo — preferring not to have an aroused and awakened White race up and go all “Nazi” on them.

Stew on that concept for awhile — it’s not really so far-fetched, now is it? Read on for some more in-your-face truth and why America is now fast getting FED-THE-HELL-UP!

Also, think carefully here: What if these same people have long been busy manipulating your personal good graces and emotions, but against your very own race when you look at where things are headed? Specifically, what if these parties wanted you to ignore, castigate and attack fellow White people who dare to speak out on topics they don’t want you to think about?

Let’s assume you’ve got nothing against other races of people. No problem. But that doesn’t mean you’re willing to live as a spat-upon minority in the country you were born into — a free country your forefathers forged 234 years ago and legions of Whites died to protect. Or to get continually treated like your ancestry has been the sole cause of all the world’s problems, after all the efforts you’ve made to be “tolerant” of everyone under the sun and how much the White race has truly given the world.

And let’s also say you could care less about what people did in the privacy of their own homes. That’s cool. But that doesn’t mean you want to see disgusting, sick crap on TV, in the streets, or have your children exposed and brainwashed in school before they are old enough to deal with it, now does it?

Maybe being ”tolerant” does have limits. How low are you willing to see America go?

Seemingly, there’s no end in sight to this PC game. They obviously want Whites to be classified as racists forever. They want us all to roll-over and just take it. Never-ending Affirmative Action and race favoritism programs costing us jobs; ridiculous accusations of White racism over absolutely nothing; open Christian and White bashing in the media; non-White immigration, legal or not (even HIV-afflicted from Africa and Haiti) and acceptance of any possible ”alternate lifestyle” (perversions of all sorts and gender-bending).

Everything has to be ”accepted” and you had damned better keep your White mouth shut. Haven’t you noticed that by now?

Now, let’s say you really care about America and might be called a flag-waving patriot. True Americans like yourself sure as hell don’t want foreign countries telling us what to do and manipulating our government, now do you?

“A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one nation the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without justification…

… And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens who devote themselves to the favorite nation, facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country…” — George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796

Who told you that supporting Israel is a necessary precondition to being a “conservative?” The largest lobby group in Washington, AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), should be classified as “Agents of a Foreign government” (Kennedy once tried to do this). The Jews also have war-mongering Israeli agents embedded through-out ”our” government (called Neocons) and a whole host of other well-funded Zionist Israeli lobby groups.

These people get clean away with manipulating our entire political and government system, most likely tapping into the boatloads of taxpayer money America shells out to Israel yearly.

This past week the Zionist US media went on and on about some bumbling group of Russian quasi-spies, who apparently did little more than go to cocktail parties, but rarely do they say much at all on Israeli spies, like Jonathan Pollard, AIPAC’s Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, the Dancing Israelis, the Art Students and just recently, Stewart Nozette (they buried this story after one brief mention). Hell, the media is now starting to portray Jew spies as sympathetic heroes!

Gees, this makes my blood boil all by itself.

American patriots: Haven’t you noticed all the Goldbergs, Millers, Kleins and Krauthammers on TV, propagandizing us every five minutes about “Islamofascism” and “Terrorists” (which is total hypocrisy considering all the Jewish Terrorism against the Palestinians and Brits before 1948)? Or the latest paranoia-stoking over Iran getting the Bomb, when Israel has it already (note how the media remains mum)?

These arrogant big mouths are always lecturing us on what America should do, from owned electronic pulpits which International Jewry bought through economic parasitism of this nation. Pay close attention to exactly who’s doing the talking and what they really represent.

Zionist, Khazar Jews are all over the mass media, both in front of the camera and behind as management, editors, producers, writers. It doesn’t matter one whit if these people are liberal, conservative or even if they don’t practice Judaism any longer; the most important thing to them is protecting Jewry in general and the lousy State of Israel! Also, if you pay attention, you’ll notice that many of the talking heads brought on as “experts” on various subject are most often Jews too; from Mark Potak of SPLC (like the ADL, a well-funded Jew anti-White organization) to any old punk Jew blogger who wrote the stupidest pile of manure yesterday! 

Arrogant Jews love to brag about it to each other. Funny, it just so happens what all these Jews (and assorted paid shills) are spouting is the Jew line — from Israel to illegal immigration to smearing Whites who dare speak up (you’re a “racist” on just about anything these days). Most non-Jew Americans don’t have a clue how many people on the news are really Jews to begin with — many of them have changed, Gentile-sounding names like Andrea Mitchell, David Gregory and Jake Tapper.

These Jews have a giant track record down through history for doing whatever the hell they want — making themselves richer in any convoluted way, or just for the “tribe” in general, no matter the means. Hell, the more trickier and devious they are when screwing the Goyim, the more respect they give themselves — they call this ”chutzpah.”

Should you, the non-Jew or Goyim (a word they have meaning cattle) dare say something about it, they immediately start screaming “Nazi” or “Terrorist” at the top of their lungs. That’s long been their game plan, Stan.

I was reading an article the other day on the Huffington Post website where this Arabic woman was saying the Jews used the “Terrorist” slander too much (The Day US Jewish Groups Went Too far With The Word “Terrorist”). As I read this, I thought about how someone like Bill O’Reilly would describe the Huffington Post as “Lefty Loon land.”

So, here’s the point I’m trying to get at and I’m doing my best I can, so bear with me a minute. Basically, there is absolutely nothing “Lefty” about standing up to these traitorous Israel-Firster Jews and telling them where to stuff it. In fact, I consider it an act of true patriotism.

Actually, being against Jewry and Israel is most often associated with the “extreme right.” In other words, the kind of guy who marches around in a black uniform — seig heiling all over the place, while kicking retarded, homosexual Negroes with Doc Martin boots and laughing like a maniac. Yeah, that’s me alright!

Listen closely: This is how they want liberals to think! They want people to picture any patriotic, pro-White (like me) as an “extremist right-winger Nazi.” But, if what I say happens to match up with what some humanitarian liberal activist fighting Israel’s on-going evils against the Palestinians (good for them), then they want the ”conservatives” to classify me a “lefty loon.” Crazy I know, but that’s how it works.

As I’ve said before here on my blog and I’ll say it again: Once the “Left” meets the “Right,” the end is in sight (for the Jews).

Now, the Jews want you to think of them as just some old time religion, and not a race. They’ve been using that line of bull on us since time immemorial. They told the US Congress that back in the 1920′s when they were busy flooding the US with Eastern European Jews, as fellow Jews in government secretly greased the wheels. There’s no telling just how many made it into the US; it’s probably millions more than they let on (and each of those millions claim they lost a grandmother in the “holocaust”).

But they don’t think it’s only a religion at all. To them, Jews are a race apart and Jews anywhere take presidence over everyone else. They say this all the time among themselves, but just expect you not to put two and two together on the deal, should you happen to stumble on it. And you will never hear the mainstream media say one single thing!

Here’s the deal in a nutshell: They think you’re a dumber than a rock and they can do whatever they wish because they are the “Chosen Ones.” That’s so full of BS, I can’t believe it. For one thing, who says they are chosen by God? Themselves? If you are Christian and believe in the Bible, remember they lost the “Chosen” status when they had the Romans crucify Jesus.

The Talmud is full of hate for Jesus and Christianity; plus, Jewry has an inner, atavistic hatred of the White race inculcated by sheer arrogance brought on by all this ”Chosen Ones” business.

What’s truly bad is that most of them don’t even believe in God at all, but still think of themselves as “The Chosen!”

It gets even worse: These people are not even true Israelites! About 85% of them are from a Eastern European race called the Khazars, with varying small amounts of real middle eastern DNA (called “The Bottle Neck Effect” — principally due to conversion during the 8th Century and later intermarriage with confused, but real Sephardic Hebrews). Oh, sure, they’ll tell you that’s a crock, but that’s because they don’t want you to question their stealing of Palestine. And a lot of times they even say it’s true among themselves.

But let’s look at this one thing about these Khazar Jews for a minute. One very big thing.

Jews have been vigorously pushing for immigration of non-Whites into America since the 1920′s, if not earlier. What they’ve wanted is to ”makeover” America into what they call a “Universal Country.” They’ve decided this quite on their own, not bothering to ask us what we thought about it, either.

What they want to do is to turn this country into some horrible, polyglot morass of different races (and are succeeding).

“Uh, now why would they want to do that?” You might ask. Because they specifically want the White race to become as small a minority as possible, that’s why! The less White demographics, the less of a “threat” we might become to them down the road (once we finally figure out the deal with them). This is the core reason for illegal immigration, multiculturalism, “diversity is good” and all the other PC claptrap they’ve been foisting on America for the last 50 years or so.

All this is why getting a job is so hard (besides what they’ve done to the economy), since “affirmative action” purposefully cuts Whites out of the loop (especially if you’re a White guy — now the lowest on the Totem pole).

Even Muslim immigration is fine for these people’s initial purposes. Doesn’t make sense at first glance, but if you step back and look at the big picture you’ll see that this is exactly what they’ve been up to. Same game is going on in Britain, Canada and most of Europe. Here, read this one quote that nicely sums it up:

Thus, all their strength the Jews – basically, ALL the vocal Jews in the world – encourage non-white immigration into every country in which they are located, not only because the multicultural society is their fundamental political aim, but also because the disintegration of national identity in each nation and the massive presence of anti-white immigrants is designed to prevent the original white population from succeeding in any nationalistic outbursts against the Jewish sway over finance, politics and the media. All Jewish intellectuals, without any exception, are focused on this question of building the “pluralistic society” and for this they practice constant “vigilance against racism.” – Hervé Ryssen

Jews are INSANELY hypocritical. In America, Jews have led the efforts for “multiculturalism” and to open our borders to non-White immigration, but in sacred Israel they do everything they can to keep out all non-Jews. The few Ethiopian so-called black “Jews” still in Israel get treated like dogs.

In fact, Israeli soldiers have shot and killed 19 African Eritreans illegally crossing the border with Egypt — just this year alone. Imagine the storm American Jews and the liberal media would make if we wacked a few Mestizos sneaking across the Rio Grande! Now think, why has this not been reported in the US? Get the picture?

The White race has been under a slow and methodical attack in our own countries for many decades now!

Think about it here: The hidden Jewish Power Structure doesn’t have to tell us JACK, whenever they do things or even later after the fact (but often elements can’t help bragging). All they need to bother with is creating a Police State infrastructure (called “the War on Terror”), just in case we finally come to our senses and they need to nip it in the bud.

They know what they’re planning for down the road and are simply gearing up for any contingencies. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

Now, let’s look at another big thing: Israel. Our blind support for that criminal country is ridiculous. The world thinks we’re blinded by the Jews and has now lost all love and respect for America.

Palestinian child screams hysterically after the evil Jews blew away her daddy. Demonic Israel does NOT deserve America's support!
Israel does NOT deserve America’s support with all the evils they do to the Palestinians! It’s truly un-American. And if you think it’s all so “lefty” blah, blah, blah; just remember, that’s exactly how these Jews want you to think!

It’s obvious they want to run the Palestinians the out of their country and homes, and have been doing absolutely anything they want to these people. If a Palestinian living in Jerusalem goes abroad for school, when he gets back home he loses his residency!

The Jews are ethnically cleansing Israel of Palestinians, pure and simple. And it’s all on your dime!

We give Israel something like 8 billion a year (about 30 million dollars a day — that’s over a million an hour!). They are even discussing in the Knesset about having reparations deducted from the money the US gives to the Palestinian people, should Israeli industry and agricultural exports suffer from any pro-Palestinian boycott from people in the West!

These people have some nerve, alright. It’s astonishingly un-believable!

And all this from a country that attacked one of our ships in international waters (USS Liberty); purposefully failed to warn us about the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon and constantly gets caught spying on America, stealing our technology and selling it to the Chinese and Indians. Hell, that’s only a few things they’ve done to us — look at 9/11 and all the evidence of Israeli involvement. Think hard about that one, for crying out loud!

Ask yourself this: Who says these people won’t do absolutely anything for their country? The trouble is: That country is NOT the US, but Israel. The sooner you figure that one out Bub, the better.

This is a race of people — a small and bitter race in reality — but incredibly arrogant, nervy and self-absorbed among themselves. ”The Chosen Ones” think they can dictate whatever the hell they want and damn you for saying one thing about it!

They’ve been kicked out of every single country they’ve ever lived in for centuries, because they eventually piss-off all the people with how they truly are. And they know this too. They always try to tell you that it’s just because of ancient superstitions, the Blood Libel and the usual race claptrap, but the biggest, the most carefully hidden and censored truth of the whole wide world is that International Jewry (Eastern European Khazars) have been a GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS.  Well, it's true.

It wasn’t only the German Nazis who had it up to here with these phony Israelites from hell — try Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians, Latvians, Czechs, Hungarians and Romanians. America will be the next place the Jews boo hoo about (they so love playing the victimhood role).

As a race, they’ve been quietly at war with Whites ever since they snuck into America; you can see it in the media all the damn time if you pay the least attention. The hidden Jew oligarchy may well have decided to disinherit Whites from America a long time ago, and have been slowly creating the circumstances for them to do just that.

They want to turn the White race turned into a meek, ball-less mud race and have been busy working towards a day when we can no longer be a threat to them. In effect, they want to rule the roost in America as an insular race, using other non-White races to keep us in check.

How far will they take it? Do you want you or your children to find out?

They’ve long played games with the White race for how they really are, by turning everything inside out. In fact, Jewry has been the prime source of wars and political upheavals for centuries. Either to make profits from bankrolling belligerents, or to weaken the Goyim’s hold on nations, like they did to Russia during the Bolshevik revolution.

They insist we believe every myth and tale thing about the “holocaust,” no matter what (the Jews have passed laws in Europe and Canada to throw you in jail for merely questioning things in public). There’s tons of evidence that says the 6 million figure has long been religious Jew BS (they’ve used the same number since before WWI). And think a minute here: Is there ANY historical event that has laws to protect it?

They want you to think the always-so-innocent, but persecuted Jews suffered so and “deserve” a homeland to call their own. International Jewry has used the whole holocaust schtick to justify invading and stealing a land right out from under the people who lived there.

Yet they never, ever let on about all the murderous Jew commies in power in the Soviet Union, now do they? They could care less about Goyim getting killed. Never have.

Jonah Goldberg: Doesn't matter one bit if he's "Conservative" or not — this guy is a JEW JERK!
You won’t have any Glenn Becks, Bill O’Reillys, Keith Olbermans, or anyone else in mainstream media say one GD thing about any of this. They can’t. They would get fired quicker than me typing this sentence out. One phone call from the real Zionist Power Structure will put the fool out the door in a Jew York minute! These people all know the score.

Glenn Beck talks about what some of Obama’s Marxist Jews are up to nowadays, but it’s obvious he steers well clear of the Jew question. For instance, he’ll put on that smarmy Jonah Goldberg to talk about the evils of Communism (Jew NeoCON-Jobs like this bozo have now taken over “conservative” organizations), but these Zio punks sure as hell won’t say squat about Israel, nor anything about all the Commie Jews in history!

Let’s face the facts: Arrogant and self-serving Jews have long been milking America as their private cash cow and military arm since the last century. Right along, they’ve been a subversive social cancer eating away at America from the inside. The whole thing has been so big and ruinous that most people to this point have not wanted to see it for what it is. But that’s changing fast.

“To see what is in front of one’s nose requires constant struggle.” — George Orwell, 1946

Now, as more and more Americans get hip to the real deal (it’s right in front of everyone’s noses!), Jewry will increasingly be on borrowed time. They instinctively know this, too.

This is why Jews want to censor the Internet so much. They fully realize that most people now get their news and info from the Internet; so they’ve gone overboard to embed themselves in places like Wikipedia and Youtube to head off as much Jew awakening as possible. But they know they can’t go around like the little Dutch boy, plugging up leaks forever.

Talmudic Jew Senator Joe Lieberman, just passed legislation giving Obama an Internet “kill switch,” which allows backroom Jews to shut down the Internet or even certain websites (which is what they want). Obama only has to deem it a “national security issue.” This puts at immediate risk our right to Free Speech; because if we don’t have a way to freely communicate about what these people are up to (forget the mainstream media), they can get away with even more extreme changes to America.

Just what don’t you get, about these people? Isn’t it a tad bit obvious by now, what these devious Jews have in mind?

Sadly, it took me quite some time to come to this conclusion and years to speak out. It wasn’t easy, believe you me. I’ve looked at it every which way to Sunday (to use a quaint phrase) and it’s the only real answer to what’s ailing America and the White race. It was all quite on my own — I did not join up with a bunch of skinheads before I figured it out (I don’t know any to begin with).

America needs to wake up to the Jew and put a stop to his agenda, fast. If not, America as we know it will no longer be. That’s precisely what they’ve long wanted to do and have been slowly, gradually working towards that goal.

But it’s not only the fate of America that’s at stake, but the White race itself. A White race that has given so much to the world. You simply must alert all your friends and family to what is truly going on. Once enough people come to their senses and talk openly, we’ll have a chance to rectify the situation and put a screeching halt to these selfish, un-American people.

– Phillip Marlowe


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