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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AZ Immigration law

Time is coming when I will have to show my papers but because of racial profiling others will not. Up is down, night is day and so forth in our New World Order.
Can you believe the ruling handed down by Judge S. Bolton regarding the injuction against AZ S1070? The State of Arizona is only attempting to legally enforce the law that the Fed will not.

I told my neighbors earlier that day that the Illegals would win this court battle. They will win all of them. You still think things are going to change? Yes it will, for the worse. We are completely owned and controlled by a Zionist communist occupied government.

Illegals 1, Americans 0.

If you begin to tally up the scorecard...
for almost everything that has been done by our government since 2001 you would see that the score is really more like 322 to 0.

This whole deal has been to bolster the lagging Obama (the Zionist puppet's) voting base. with the hope of garnering 65% or more of the Latino vote.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Israel wouldn't allow this kind of invasion in their beloved apartheid state. They are trying to kick the Palestinians off the land that they have lived on for thousands of years. Oy! The hypocrisy!

You wonder what does Israel have to do with this? The Zionist political movement is behind all of this. If you don't believe it, just keep you head buried and you will see  soon enough. Are we no longer a nation that observes "THE RULE OF LAW?" Just subvert the constitution if it isn't in the interest of non-US citizens.

In case most of you are not getting this. The German nation, it's people and the German-American's culture have been  completely destroyed by jewsh interest and the propaganda machine because the evil Huns stood up to the bankster's usury, political machinations and manipulations. This same deceptive pogrom is well underway now in the US. Today,  it's chic and vogue to embrace the multi-cult bandwagon which is contrary to most of American interest. They flood the country, stress the ecomomy, destroy the cohesivness of a nation with people from third world communist controlled countries that will bring their cultures, their Marxist political agenda and not assimilate and eventually vote to make Mexico City the capitol of the North American Union. What will America become when the core of the US people no longer have a voice or the vote. It will become a huge plantation for the new Jewish elite that replaced the WASP and bought their homes for pennies on the dollar. It's all being done by design to destroy this nation just enough to keep the cash cow's milk flowing uninterrupted. So, if you want to take your country back... that makes you racist, or Nazi, "i.e." the Tea Party.
“The new law has been criticized by an array of Jewish groups, including the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, Simon Wiesenthal Center, National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, a public policy umbrella group composed of the synagogue movements, several national groups and local Jewish communities across North America.”

“I believe that it has absolutely ignited a movement across this country for comprehensive immigration reform,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), the daughter of Jewish immigrants, who is co-sponsoring a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to normalize their status. “You see people pouring out of their homes and into the streets and halls of government rejecting this notion of allowing our country to become a police state.”
“Gideon Aronoff, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, said he is working with other Jewish organizations to draft a broad statement condemning the federal government’s failure to enact comprehensive reform.” [The next part is his, too, and it shows the false argument with emotional tones which are used]

“Are most of the Latinos who suffer from this law Jewish? The answer is no, but we look at this through the oral commandment of ‘welcome the stranger,’ ” Aronoff said. “We are all Americans, we are all our brothers’ keepers.”
 [Just how many brothers does this dual citizen with single loyalties have? I can tell you the answer to that. As many as REAL Americans will let him get by with! "Legalized" americans are not necessarily Americans, and those who work against America and the REAL Americans are imposters who are in the role of traitors and aliens. That they are not shows the degree of infiltration into America including that of most jews who came by trick and connivance instead of being legally invited under the color of law. That portion began at a time shortly before the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the Internal Revenue Service was established by jews representing the Rothschilds and has continued in a shady manner since.]

"Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, a Jewish Democrat, referred to the immigration bill as one that “nationally embarrasses Arizona” in an op-ed piece April 24 in the Washington Post." [I remember that same lie they trotted out in many other US cities when a "English Only" referendum came up for a vote. It's all hogwash.]--sT

"Eight Reform rabbis in Arizona wrote a letter to Brewer urging the governor to veto the measure, calling it “an affront to American values of justice and our historic status as a nation of immigrants.”

[I have no problem with Immigration, but personally why should millions that have legally waited in line for years be pushed back to the back of the line and let the criminal trespassers go to the front. So the law abiding people have to wait another 25 year to take their turn at legally obtaining citizenship status.]--sT

"Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, said in a statement that “allowing an individual’s accent or skin color to precipitate an investigation into his or her legal status is anathema to American values of justice and our historic status as a nation of immigrants. [It] is also likely to endanger our communities by discouraging immigrants from cooperating with law enforcement on issues of national security.”

“Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Wiesenthal Center issued a statement saying that “this law makes no sense — it guarantees and stigmatizes people of color as second-class citizens and exposes them to intimidation and the use of racial profiling as a weapon of bias.”

“On April 26, following a weekend of protests, vandals smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the windows of the Arizona State Capitol buildings, the Associated Press reported. More protests were being planned, including a vigil organized by the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs.”

“Jewish groups are slamming Arizona’s stringent new immigration-enforcement law and saying they hope outrage over the measure will reignite efforts to address comprehensive immigration reform on the national level.”

Feds Declare Arizona Anti-Illegal Immigration Law Unconstitutional, Then Admit They Haven’t Read It

There is a battle on-going between the Zionist and freedom loving people. The battle between Zionist and Christians and white people (white guilt). Once you understand this the more apparent it becomes. All you have to do is look. Makes me wonder just how many Jewish clans are here illegally since the turn of the 20th century.

All it takes is for one liar to get on TV or a major media outlet and make a claim spewing their propaganda and then the  whole world thinks that it must be true. That's how a few have control over the masses. It's all about flooding the nation with hordes of third world immigrants, dividing and conquering. Trying to start another revolution, i.e The Glorious Revoultion, The French Revolution, The Bolshevik Revolution and the Green Revolution and many others. The Zionist communist jew's duties consist of protesting and kvetching and by proxy anyone oppressed that they can convince to do the same.

Hamstring, paralyze and neutalize the proles then apply the blows


diversified to death

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