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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Asphalt Volcano

Could this oil gusher be a planned operation to cull the herd? A little venting and dispersing some dispersants to exterminate some pockets of welfare recipients and other useless eaters that live & retire to the Southern shores. Could it be possible that most of the Gulf is just a boiling cauldron of gases, asphalt and oil with enough natural microbes present that will retify this disasterous spill (sic), given enough time. But with a little planning, spilling and venting from the side of the volcano it can be used to push the "Green agenda", "Cap and Trade and lead to eventually taxing all the air that you & have have left to breathe. Heck, who knows for sure... just a thought. I don't mean to trivialize. The Gulf rupture is America's worst environmental disaster to date and will create untold miseries. It just makes me wonder why all the leaders, PTB, etc. behave like it's no big deal, just business as usual and there is no sense of urgency with solving this ecological catastrophe.

Since my last post I attended the TOH homecoming and a SHHS 'old school' reunion over the past weekend. I had a wonderful time. Got to see so many people I haven't seen in 30 years and many that I've always thought highly of.

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